Exam Details
- The exam will be held online on the announced date on the main page of the IMC website.
- Students from all types of schools around the globe can join this competition under their relevant age and category.
- Participants can check categories and topics on the IMC’s website.
- Registration and payment will be only online via register.mathchallenge.in.th.
- The exam will be active for 48 hours starting on 15 November 2024, at 08:00 AM (Thailand Time, UTC+7). Participants can start their exam at any time within these 48 hours.
Registration Fee
- The registration fee is 29 USD for international participants and 750 THB for Thai participants.
- The registration fee is non-refundable or non-extendable under any circumstances.
Exam Format
- Category Kids: 25 questions in 60 minutes.
- Categories 1–5: 30 questions in 90 minutes (updated), with four multiple-choice options.
- The exam will be available in English, Thai, Chinese, Russian, and Spanish.
- Participants can take the exam on a desktop computer, laptop, or tablet. The smallest size for the screen is 8.3 inches.

Online Exam Rules
A) Three wrong answers will invalidate one correct answer. Skipping questions (leaving blank) does not reduce the score.
B) If scores are tied, the time used will be the deciding factor.
C) Calculators are not allowed.
D) Participants are not allowed to log into their account on multiple devices simultaneously (at the same time).
E) Participants must only have the IMC examination browser tab open. Opening any other tabs or applications will be recorded and considered an attempt to cheat.
F) The device’s webcam must be on and running from the beginning to the end of the exam. Participants will be monitored through the webcam.
G) Suspicious body or head movements will be considered cheating and may result in disqualification.
H) For many IMC questions, you’ll need to use paper and a pen or pencil to work out solutions. It’s essential to position your camera and workspace so both your face and hands are visible. You can stand back from your device at a distance where your hands remain in view while you work, then move closer to select your answer. Alternatively, place an object on the desk or table to ensure the camera captures both your face and hands. If your face is consistently directed downward where your hands are not visible and the IMC team suspects the use of extra electronic devices, it may impact your results.
I) If the webcam is not on during the exam, the result will be invalid.
J) Participants must keep their faces visible at all times. The use of facemasks, caps, sunglasses, or any other headgear that obscures the face is not allowed.
K) Headphones or digital glasses are not allowed.
L) If a person other than the participant is seen on the participant’s webcam during the exam, the IMC team has the right to cancel the participant’s exam.
M) Participants must stay seated and remain on the exam for the entire duration. Leaving and returning to continue is not allowed and may result in the cancellation of the exam results by the IMC team.
N) In case of a Wi-Fi break or electricity shortages, if the device is disconnected from the system, the exam timer will keep running. Students can rejoin the exam, but the system will flag the incident as suspicious. The IMC team will then review all available data from the exam system to investigate. If any evidence of cheating is found, the student’s results will be invalidated.

Certificates and Awards
- Digital certificates will be awarded according to achievements:
- Top 10%: Gold certificates
- Top 11%–25%: Silver certificates
- Top 26%–45%: Bronze certificates
- All participants with a total net score higher than 5 points will receive an Honorable Mention certificate.
- All participants will receive a digital Participation certificate.
- All schools and mentors will receive digital certificates.
Medals and Prizes
- The top 3 students in each category who attend the award ceremony will receive medals. Winners who cannot attend the ceremony can contact the IMC organization and pay the specified postal fee to receive their medals.
- The first-place winner in each category will receive an iPad Air. (6x)
- The second-place winners in each category will receive an iPad Mini. (12x)
- The third-place winners in each category will receive a Galaxy Tab A7 Lite. (18x)
- Partner universities will provide scholarships to Category 5 winners.
- The scholarships provided by universities are valid for one year only.
Verification and Eligibility
- Before awarding prizes, the IMC team will request documentation verifying the grade and age of the winners.
- If a participant provides inaccurate information regarding their category, the IMC team reserves the right to nullify the participant’s eligibility for prizes.
- Prizes cannot be exchanged for cash or transferred to another person under any circumstances.
Additional Information
- A lucky draw will be held for all participants attending the award ceremony who score a minimum of 5 points, except for the top 6 winners from all categories.
How to succeed in IMC?
- IMC categories combine two levels and is designed based on internationally accepted standards and practices. IMC questions are structured to be a bit more challenging than typical assessments, reflecting the competitive nature of a math Olympiad. In competitions like the IMC, the key points are indeed preparation and consistent practice. Top scorers, especially those earning gold or silver, typically perform exceptionally well, often answering a high percentage of questions correctly, though perfect scores are rare and require both accuracy and speed. To strengthen skills for challenging questions within a limited time, it’s essential to work on as many Olympiad-style questions as possible. This will help to become comfortable with different types of problems and improve speed and accuracy. Time management comes down to identifying which questions to tackle first and knowing when to move on if you’re spending too long on one question.
Appeal Process
- After the IMC exam concludes, the IMC Evaluation Team conducts a comprehensive review of all participants’ performances. This evaluation encompasses not only test scores but also adherence to examination rules and regulations, as well as detailed timing patterns. The team carefully analyzes factors such as body, eye, and facial movements during the exam to uphold the principles of fairness and integrity.
With thousands of students participating in the IMC exam, it is common for multiple students to achieve the same score. In such cases, precise timing (down to minutes and seconds) is used as a tie-breaking factor to determine rankings. Additionally, adherence to exam rules plays a crucial role in finalizing the rankings. Any irregularities or violations of the rules may affect a participant’s position in the rankings.
Once the IMC results are published, participants can log in to their accounts to view their scores and access the full ranking list on the official website. If a participant believes an error has occurred in the evaluation process, they may contact the IMC hotline or email to request an appeal.
The appeal procedure will be outlined in detail, and depending on the participant’s location, a virtual or onsite meeting may be arranged. The appeal process may also include an assessment of the participant’s knowledge and skills to ensure accuracy and resolve any ranking discrepancies.